четверг, 13 ноября 2014 г.

Mystical Underground, Konstantin Serebrov

Автор: Konstantin Serebrov
Series: Alchemy in Action
ISBN: 978-5-906564-08-5
Pages: 712
Hardcover: hardcover with selective coating and gold embossment

The works of Konstantin Serebrov "One step through the looking glass" and "Mystical underground" are an attempt to express in a literary form the Inner Path, as practiced by the Russian Hermetic School. The reader will learn the hidden dimensions of life of a wandering Master G, seen through the eyes of his student. In order to realize the dream of the higher Self, the neophyte has to leave his habitual way of life behind and take part in a mysterious mission of his Master.
The inner life of those searching for the unknown happens on subtle planes, with unusual adventures, often with the acute risk not only for the body but also for the soul. The Mystery impulse, that was received by some refined souls and transformed  by them into strange art and unusual lifestyle, was obscure and incomprehensible, not only to ordinary people, but also to many representatives of the mystical underground themselves.